A female soundcloud rapper, and producer with a massive shenis. Hit songs include being carried by Xdium. I am now being informed that she is on all platforms.
Person: "Yo. You hear that new itsaedanhill?"
Person 2: "Ya. That shit slap on mute"
Person 2: "Ya. That shit slap on mute"
A female soundcloud rapper and producer with a massive shenis. Hit songs include getting carried by Xdium. I am now being informed that she is on all platforms.
Person: "Yo. You hear that new itsaedanhill?"
Person 2: "Ya. That shit slap on mute"
Person 2: "Ya. That shit slap on mute"
a female soundcloud rapper, and producer with a massive shenis. Some hit songs include being carried by Xdium. I am just being informed that she is on all platforms.
Person: "Yo yall hear that new itsaedanhill?"
Person 2: "Ya that shit slap on mute"
Person 2: "Ya that shit slap on mute"