

俚语 iva's


What i think about when i hear the name iva is a beautiful , smart , unique , caring person with a great sense of fashion. She thinks shes bad at singing but she sounds like an angel when doing so . I was lucky enough to found an iva and i love her .
shes beautiful . she must be iva


Iva is a fucking queen, allways has the hottest boyfriends, and can pull any guy
Fuckk she hot, yep that’s Iva for ya


iva is a word that refers to the most amazing gorgeous serbian girl you will ever meet.

she's usually amazing, beautiful, crazy, daring, elegant, fierce, gorgeous, helpful, inspiring, joking, kooky, lovable, magnificent, nice, optimistic, pretty, quintessential, ravishing, stunning, tan, unbelievable, voluptuous, wonderful, x-rated, youthful, and zealous.
a girl is an iva if she is one of the greatest, best friends you'll ever have. she'll always be there for you. and you can trust her with anything.
shes also very modest about everything. she doesn't understand just how beautiful she is, or how intelligent, or how good of a friend she is. a girl who is an iva, would read this and think its all bs, but her friends would know that she is a true iva.
lauren: my best friend is such an iva. i'm so lucky to have her as my best friend. i wish she was my sister.


Usually croatian name.Iva is the most amazing,sexiest, optimistic,definetely funniest little brave heart girl that you can find in tour life!!Sometimes a bit crazy and paranoid and that just on the outsides lol.But definetly a person you want to have in your life!!!She is always very fashionable,great sense of humor,you will laugh until you cry with her


she is always around, a loyal friend, her love language is gift giving, she is annoyed all the time and has a resting bitch face; probably a gemini
1; I heard she is a gemini.

2: Her name is surely Iva.


You befriend Iva=got a friend for life
Really nice(if you are nice too -_-), will say her opinion, jokes around, if you mean a lot to her she will share her food, can be weird but not too much, don't mess with her cuz boiii, when you annoy her she will have this face 99% of the time -_-, idk what else to write LOL
Bff: yoooo who is that boiii in your photo gallery 😏
Iva: -_- (that face with a little grin) *wants to kick you but loves you too much*


a great friend that is athletic and great to hang out with. She is usually right.
i was talking to Iva last night about jordan b




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