

俚语 i was bored

I was bored

Perfect excuse for if you get caught doing something or someone finds out that you did something you shouldn't have.
Person 1-Dude did you switch the keys?
Person 2-Yeah.
Person 1-I was standing at the car tryna open it for like 10 minutes! Why would you do that!?
Person 2-I was bored.

I was bored

A phrase used to furtively give oneself credit for his/her creation instead of blatantly stating, "I made this!".

Said phrase is mostly used on Facebook and other social networking sites.
Alex: I was bored so here's a meme.

i is bored

when yee is be boreder than yoo not plaaing gaems
i is bored because i is bored

I am bored

You must be bored. Extremely bored, otherwise you wouldn't have gone to a dictionary site and typed in 'i am bored" just to see what popped up.
*types in "I am bored"*
*finds this entry*
*reads example*
*thinks to self - "Wow, I really am bored."*

I am bored

Me too man
I am bored

I am bored

You are very bored. Go watch some youtube or something.
i am bored

Maybe I Was Boring

Album for gay teens
Me: I listen to the “Maybe I was boring” songs

Friend: Your a fa-




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