

俚语 i wouldn't take that

I wouldn't take that

A phrase used to incite or egg on another into retaliating against some perceived slight. Common in the playground / schoolyard in London of the 1980s
Raah, he cussed down your mum, I wouldn't take that you know!

i wouldn't take a shit there

A phrase to designate a place so worthless and disgusting that taking a shit there would class it up.
Benny: Hey! Let's go to Alvin's for some beers and food!
Earl: Alvin's sucks! I wouldn't take a shit there!

Personally, I wouldn't take that

The phrase tiktok uses in the comments when the video shows someone confronting the the tiktoker, inciting they would hurt the person in question.
Homeless man: "can you spare 4 bucks for some food?"
Tik tok commenters: "Personally, I wouldn't take that"

I wouldn't take her to a dogfight

A term used to describe a hideous woman, or a woman so ugly that one wouldn't want to take her out in public
Jim: "I set you up a date with my cousin, Mildred this weekend "
Bob: "screw that, I wouldn't take her to a dogfight, she's so ugly!"




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