

俚语 iyamlol


A tongue-in-cheek take on the phrase "IYAMLOL." It's becoming an internet meme like FML or Damn You, Auto-Correct, but has a more light hearted, upbeat tone.
I work in a snooty, bougie downtown area and I was on my way back to work from lunch. As I was about to step into the elevator to get back up to my floor, a woman with a poodle in her purse ran in front of me, slightly bumping in to me. She then dictated, “four” to let me know to press the button for the fourth floor. I sadly tell her, “It’s not voice activated, sorry. You’re going to have to press it the old fashioned way.” IYAMLOL




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:37:26