People with this name are the most frequent visitors of misunderstanding land. At Starbucks or on a simple customers service phone call, they just can't make people understand their names without having to spell it letter by letter. This name comes with a mystical personality, great sense of humor and an endless patience for spelling. Often gets mixed up with names Gizem, İzel, İrem.
Is it Gizem, oh I got it there is no G in it. So it is spelled İzem, right?
Hot girl talks alot blonde and sexy Everyone loves that girl she is very smart they love her she can dance and sing a LITTLE
Izem is So cute
She is a petite hot girl usually blonde she likes to talk alot every one loves her No one can hate her izems are usually blond and have green eyes she can dance really good
Izem is So beautifulll
Izem is a beautiful girl with sparkly eyes, full lips and kissable cheeks. Usually very giggly, sometimes shy but gets comfortable around you if they like you. She is the last person to judge you and is a great listener and helper. We all need at least one izem in our lives
Omg is that izem? I missed her a lot!
A Izem is literally the most caring, sweet, hot, cute, lovely and amazing person ever. If you have a Izem as your friend or gf you should be so happy because theres no one else who cares more about you than Izem does.
Some dude: Ayo is that Izem?!?!
Some other dude: Nah broo she fine af i wanna ask her out asap 🤩
Some other dude: Nah broo she fine af i wanna ask her out asap 🤩
A Izem is the most beautiful, hot, cute, kind, cool, sweet, caring person ever! Youre lucky to have a Izem as your friend or partner. Don’t make a Izem mad tho, you will regret it.
Some dude: Yo bro is that Izem?!?!? She forking hot 😧
Other dude: Yeah bro i should ask her out 😏
Other dude: Yeah bro i should ask her out 😏