

俚语 jabed


Jabed is the type of person to create a happy, funny environment while lifting everyone's mood 😄. He also is very attractive to girls especially South Asian girls.
Jabed is the bestest person to be around as he can make a sad person happy


n. Person who has been vaccinated.

You a jabee? Only jabees being let in to the brothel tonight.


Only if you are a jabee.


A leader who is confident, upfront, and honest in his every day life. He works hard and is responsible, but definitely knows how to have fun and joke around. He is a pleasure to be around, and there will never be a dull moment. He inspires those around him and is loved by many. He is as bold as he is handsome. His smile lights up the space he’s in and you can’t help but smile when he does. He smiles with his eyes, and they draw you in. They sparkle. Yes, they’re blue. He is also remarkable and thoughtful. Oh, so thoughtful and sweet. He is loyal, and if you get the chance to be a part of his life, he will definitely change yours.
I’m so in love with Jabe. He is my favorite person in the world, and I love him the mostest.


Making your friends wait outside your house for 15 minutes even though you are already ready
We would've been at the pre game sooner but Mr. Buhhole was Jabing so we're the last ones here.


The Joe Biden Boss (aka "Jabes"). Used to refer to the second in command, the underboss, the first loser. Can be used as a noun to refer to a person, or as an adjective for particularly subservient situations.
1) You are ma jabes!

2) His dance moves are mad jabesy. What a JBB!


A girl who is sexy, cool, kind, and loyal. She loves attention and will put lots of effort into any relationship. Jabe's are very athletic and smart, and can't stand not being the best at everything. Jabe's are especially known for their great sense of style, and amazing bodies.
Woah dude, she's so great, she's such a Jabe!


Jabe is the slang word for Jailbait.
As in a girl or boy that is under 16.
Yet you find yourself or others find them self(s) attracted to even thought they are clearly underage or Jabe.
:'Wow check her out'
: 'Shes clearly Jabe'


:'Did you hear about that Jabe Kyle pulled last nite?'




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:40:18