

俚语 jabrony


A particularly irritating poser who also is an avowed fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Put simply, a brony that's also a jabroni.
Man, Cole's such a jabrony, flaunting that stupid expensive Rainbow Dash figurine. Who cares?


A mixture between ping pong, pool, and golf. A gentlemen's sport in which the player must land the ball in various holes by serving the ball ping pong style. This game was originated in the Kelly household and will go down as the greatest game ever made.
Dude i won in jabrony last night against Katie and she had to run a naked lap.


noun: a term used by Jason to describe one as inferior and on their way up the the ways of Jason
Hey jabrony, i eat so much pussy that they should add it to the food pyramid.


In wrestling: a jobber.
In reality: Dumbass. Loser. A no good son of bitch. Talks a lot of shit but can never back it up.
Calvin: Do wanna pick up some McDonald’s?
Kiff: Sure
*gets to McDonald’s*
Calvin: Dude I forgot my wallet, can you pay for me?
Kiff: you’re a fucking jabroni


A loser, poser, lame-ass.

One who talks the talk, but could never walk the walk.

One who talks shit and doesn't back it up, but rather ends up eating their shit in return.

A fuckin 'tard.
Bill: "Hey Bob, you're a big pussy!"
Bob: "oh yeah, well..(breaks Bill's face in half)...who's the fuckin' pussy now you fuckin Jabroni?!"

Damn Jabroni's, I'm always breaking my foot off in their asses!


juh broh nee
someone who is about to get owned.

used to decribe a person or action lacking judgment or sense.
-Love is for jabronies.
-The Rock is about to lay a smack down on that jabronie.
-You locked your keys in the car? Well that was a jabronie thing to do.


A slang term in professional wrestling first used by the Iron Sheik and then again later by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. It is derived from the word jobber, which is someone who routinely loses, or "does the job".
The Rock says, "Know your role and shut your mouth, jabroni!"




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