

俚语 jack bower

Jack Bower

When one jacks off then immedeatly proceeds to take a shower while drinking a beer in the shower. One can do this collection of activities in any order, but the beer must be drank while in the shower. (Jack off + beer in shower= bower)
Example 1
Person 1: So when are you coming over?
Person 2: In a little while. I gotta get me a Jack Bower, take a dump and eat dinner then I'll be over.

Example 2
Person 1: So did you slip her the sausage last night?
Person 2: Na I dumped that dirty dyke and went home to snag a Jack Bower.

Jack Bauer (Bower)

When a man drinks a beer in the shower while rubbing one out.
Person A: I totally took a Jack Bauer (Bower) before you guys came over!
Persons B &C: Why are you telling us this?
Person A: Because I needed to use it in a sentence for Urban Dictionary...
Persons B &C: We're going to leave now...




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更新时间:2024/9/21 2:49:10