

俚语 jack-cunt

Jack Cunt

A "Jack Cunt" is someone who is selfish, unwilling to work and use energy during a task involving more than one person. The person who has been deemed a "Jack Cunt" may also try to use excuses to avoid performing the required task, which usually involves them suddenly disappearing, then reappearing after the task has been completed. Jack Cunts will always think about themselves first..
Nick - Excuse me bro, can you please help me lift this…
Alex - Nah

… Jack Cunt

Jack Cunt

A Jack Cunt is someone who offers fuck all help, is a righteos cunt and usually drinks 5 times more than the money in their wallet or fucks off come bill time, also refered to as doing an Adsy.
you had 10 vodka soda's and just fucked off before the bill came you jack cunt!

jack cunt

Someone who by doing 'jack shit' in a team environment becomes a cunt because the other people in the team have to pull the weight of that person and do extra work.
Joe: "why havent u finished work yet?"
Fred: "coz jason is a jack cunt and im doing what he didnt do."

jack cunt

The biggest cunt alive, ever
(Adj,. Military origin, esp Aus. Mil.)
(Soldier 1)"That maggot over there lost the sacred game of Soggy Biscuit, and refused to eat it!"
(Soldier 2)"Fuck that slowcummer-laggard, what a Jack Cunt!"


The act of being a cunt, and doing everything possible to Jack people off.
1. "Damn, Jack is a cunt!"

2. "Fuck that Fucking Jack-cunt!"
3. You leave the room for a short period of time, and on your return, realise that Jack is in your chair. "Get the fuck out of my chair, Jack You cunt!"

jack the cunt

"Jack the cunt" (noun) is the name given to a guy who is being both unbearable and an asshole simultaneously - especially if the male in question is called Jack. Nothing can quite describe how one feels when one thinks of Jack the Cunt, but some examples include anger, frustration, hatred, violent tendencies.
Girl °1: "Woah, your boyfriend is being such an ignorant, arrogant dick head."
Girl °2: "Yep. He sure is Jack the Cunt"




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