Jack Juice
Personal lubricant available at any drugstore. Various brand names exist as well as various formulas. From water based to complex lubricating combinations. Used to assist in making intercourse and anal sex more comfortable and pleasurable and also used with sex toys to make penetration easy and enjoyable. Highly recommended to have around because you never know when you'll need it.
Dominique was feeling exceptionally horny and wanted to spice things up a bit. She pulled her moist panties off and climbed up on the couch. In a demanding tone she said she wanted me to be her Bung Licker. Naturally I complied. After giving her balloon knot a thorough cleansing, she orgasmed and flipped around and was the best Bag Lapper I ever had. I was close to busting a nut so I stopped her and grabbed my Jack Juice. Lubed my cock up and her Gumhole real good, laid her on her back and ended the evening in triumph as her Anal Intruder. She dug her fingernails deep in my back, legs wrapped tightly around my waist as I pumped my ejaculate deep in her colon.
jack off juice
An alcoholic beverage composed of spare liquor, semen, and sugar.
Priest Charles can mix a fine glass of jack off juice for the altar boys.
Jacked on the Juice
A place just like Joe and the Juice, where you can buy refreshments.
Unlike Joe and the Juice, Jacked on the Juice you come to, to get swole and huge muscles. Because of their "Special" ingredients they put in their juice, you will get massive biceps, huge legs and enourmous sex drive.
Unlike Joe and the Juice, Jacked on the Juice you come to, to get swole and huge muscles. Because of their "Special" ingredients they put in their juice, you will get massive biceps, huge legs and enourmous sex drive.
I go to Jacked on the Juice after my workout, to get big and get lots of bitches