

俚语 jack mcclellan

Jack Mcclellan

1.A famous, vile individual who runs a website group for other sickos attracted to "those of youger age".His first website served as a "how to" guide for pedophiles(it was later taken down after a barrage of complaints). This is the same man who adimited (in a FOX interview)to feeling a sexual attraction to little girls saying it was ok.He is a 40 something year old loser who can't maintain a decent relationship with an adult woman so he must resort to wrapping his cheetoo covered fingers around his earthworm penis while watching "Little Women
or the Olsen twins (think "Full House" not New York Minute"). He currently lives with his parents as a full time mooch on welfare.
2.A term you may have used to belittle your dog and later regret.
3. The reason to give your daughter a bottle of pepper spray and karate classes for Christmas.
3. The reason even liberals like myself are okay with the death penalty on some occasions.
ME (talking to my dog):no boy! no more bacon for you! its bad for your heart!
MY DOG:woof woof
As my dog jumps up and starts eating the bacon of my plate.
ME:now, look what you've done. why do you have to be such a Jack McClellan?
MY DOG: yelp yelp....(whimpers away)
ME: oh,I'm so sorry boy, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.That was very harsh.Please forgive me. Here, why don't you have a treat instead?




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:18:34