

俚语 jackson pollock

Jackson Pollock

When one takes a fat shit and blasts the bowl in every direction with fecal matter resembling a painting by Jackson Pollock
I'm going for a Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock

Violent defecation accompanied by large amounts of flatus, which splatters the inside of the toilet bowl with feces.
Hey, go check out the toilet, I left you an original Jackson Pollock!

Jackson Pollock

When a person vomits and it results in a wild abstract pattern on the ground, wall or floor.
He had some bad clams and vomited a huge Jackson Pollock on the wall.

Jackson Pollock

1. American Abstract Expressionist Painter

2. A Sexual Act in which a male ejaculates over a partner's face or chest. A variant of this act involves turning around after ejaculation and passing gas in close proximity to the ejaculated area or the partner's nose.
She's such an unpleasant person; I hope she gets a Jackson Pollock tonight!

Jackson Pollock

Having sex with a woman while she's on her period and the quivering of your dick splatters her own period blood all over her back so it resembles a Jackson Pollack painting.
Wow! It looks like a Jackson Pollock painting.

Jackson Pollock

The splatter shaped residue in underwear after a wet fart
Jerry had chili for lunch and a hour latter he ripped a wet one leaving a nasty Jackson Pollock in his pants

Jackson Pollock

To vomit. Named after the expressionist painter whose works look rather like multi-coloured spew. Used in Red Dwarf by Kryten.
I think I feel a Jackson Pollock coming on - Kryten, Red Dwarf.




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