

俚语 jack w's

jack w

a filthy fat whore who is currently and will always be a virgin
jack w :hello
everyone: fucking virgin

Jack W Kunkler

Talented at everything! Brings happiness to all! Nature lover! Loves to laugh!!
Hell yeah Jack w Kunkler is here!

Jack W

jacks are fucking sick cunts that eat dick all day long. but jack w's are even worse. those sick cunts are fucking retarded in every part of their horny brain and should be hung.
Person 1 - Hey there's a Jack W. over there.
Person 2 - Wanna beat his ass and kill him?
Person 1 - Bet.

Jack W

dustin from stranger things stan
boy 1-wooah is that dustin from that show
boy 2-no its just jack w




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:10:24