

俚语 jadêan


Jadêan Is the most beautiful girl in the world! She can sing, dance and play any instrument she picks up! She’s really shy but that’s only because of her intelligence others aren’t up to her wisdom. She takes everything to heart and feels deeply! She doesn’t get why people do wrong, she wants everyone to love God and do good! It hurts her heart when they don’t. Jadêan’s downfall is letting others hurt her feelings and walk all over her . She tries to please everyone but when she’s had enough you better look out! She will outgrow letting others take advantage of her goodness and huge heart! She’s independent , honest, talented, smart and beautiful inside and out! Jadêan will be famous and others will wish they had been better friends to her! Jadêan is a great friend to all with a style of her own that makes others want to copy because Jadêan is creative and not afraid to try! She is hardest on herself and needs to not be because she’s amazing!
Jadêan is a girls form of Jaydon .




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更新时间:2024/9/21 8:33:39