

俚语 are you fucking with me

Are you fucking with me

It's like are you kidding me, but more extreme
Lauren is walking and steps in dog shit and yells are you fucking with me

Are you fucking kidding me?

A statement of disbelief. Sometimes used to request clarification on a subject matter.
"The phone bill is $300?" "Are you fucking kidding me?" seriously?

Are you fucking kidding me?

You will say this when you question what is asked or told to you in the most extreme way possible.

Usually you would say "are you kidding?" in a subtle way if your calm but when you become full on angry, angrier that Goku...; ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?

basically...this can be said at any given time when someone asks you a favor, question, a "go do it" order.
Hey I forgot my bag at home can you drive 20 minutes over to drop it off


(Almost at the end of a Halo game, Iron being on..and everyone dies) ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?

(Power goes out when you are downloading super important shit) ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?

You fuck with me, you stuck with me

When you make friends with a stage 5 clinger and for your own safety you have no choice but to stay friends with them until one of you dies.
Girl: "That's too crazy..."

Friend : "Sorry sista, You fuck with me, you stuck with me"

Are you fucking me?

1) Slang term for 'Are you kidding me?'

Often used to invoke shock into an unwitting victim's heart.

2) Can be used to determine any potential sexual relations with the other person in the conversation.
1) Girl 1 - "Oh my god, he was soooo ugly!"
Girl 2 - "Are you fucking me?! He looked like George Clooney and Brad Pitt's love child!"
Girl 1 - "Am I what? Uhh.. Huh?"

2) Boy - "Clueless was shit, man. I don't know why you girls like it so much."
Girl - "Are you fucking me?!"
Boy - "I wish!"

you fuck with me, you fuck with the universe, you fuck yourself

what goes around comes around
That guy got what he deserved for cheating on me. You fuck with me, you fuck with the universe, you fuck yourself.

are you fucking me seriously?

A mixture of "are you fucking with me?" and "are you serious?" commonly used when cut off by some dumbass driver, who was too stupid to get over when they were supposed to.

Also when you hear something completely unbelievable.
A stupid Honda cuts you off, almost causing you to text-end so you scream "are you fucking me seriously?"

"honey, I think were have sextuplets"
"are you fucking me seriously?"




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