

俚语 jahsire


a smart competive guy who is a virgo and loves basketball and video game can be a funny clown
jahsire love basketball


Jahsir is a nice, loyal, and special person. he is really nice and he is always there for you. Jahsir is a boy who is super generous and tries to make you happy no matter what. Jahsir is a name that you will know that he will be your Best Friend.
“Jahsir is super nice and generous”.


its a boul from Dabottom. he a lowkey trapper and fucks alot of girls. he beat niggas tf up too and shoot so please dont run up
Girlll, I want that boy Jahsir so bad 🤤


Jahsir is a dude thats athletic and not very emotional himself but gives great advice to people that are.He is also a gentlemen and tries to always respect all women.He is kind of antisocial but is very goofy and playful around his friends.
Makkyah:Jahsir is goofy as hell !


Jahsir is ussally a cool dude with an additiude. He loyal to his bestfriends not so loyal to his "friends". He likes every guy he comes in contact with.
Steven: Jahsir keeps on looking at me weird.


Usually a guy that’s really kind and sweet and kind.Will make you Laugh a lot even when you’re sad. He will always be your best friend and one of the homey‘s. He can be really sexy and cute at the same time.
“ Oh my God who is that hottie“
“That that was Jahsire”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:56:09