

俚语 are you serious

Are you serious?

A question asked in disbelief with an extremely sarcastic tone questioning someones actions or statement. It is a way to point out someones stupidity in the form of a question.

total disbelief or dissapointment in how someone did or said something.

Note: it is a very hard inflection that goes up to indicate the question
Hall: i definitely think that girl is hotter than jessica simpson.

Bush: that girl in our science class she's barely average.

Hall: I think she's amazingly gorgeous and makes simpson look ugly?

Bush: Are you serious?

Are you serious?

The verbal tic of dunderheads, morons and wannabe Californians (read: Seattle denizens and their ilk.) It is not intended as an actual question but rather is the reactionary knee-jerk of someone who does not think before opening the mouth.
Me: I just got this latte for uber cheap at the Starbucks on the corner.

Idiot I'm talking to: Are you serious?

Me: No, I'm just pulling your motherfucking leg. Of COURSE I'm serious!

Are you serious?

Used to describe frustration or disbelief.
*Moving Walkway at ski resort stops*
Little kid in front of me: Are you serious? Come on! Are you serious?

Are you serious?

Used to express frustration and disbelief.
*Moving Walkway at ski resort stops*
Little kid in front of me: Are you serious? Are you serious?

Are you serious!?

An expression uttered subsequent to an unforeseen response; used in a joking sense; can carry a sarcastic tone; usually accompanied by a dramatic step back from the person; although it carries a question mark it doesn't require an answer.
Paul: "How'd ye get on in the match today?"
Shane: "We lost by 4 goals..."
Paul: "Are you serious!?"

are you serious

similar to 'r u sure'
jeff: lisa goosed warren last night
Hardy: are you serious

You Serious Clark?

The Phrase: *You Serious Clark?* is appropriately used when someone around you says something so outrageous that you cannot believe they actually just said that.

This phrase was taken from the movie *National Lampoon's: Christmas Vacation*.

Sitting at the table for Christmas dinner, Clark Griswold mentions that he heard a pilot flying over New York spotted Santa Claus, to excite the children about Christmas, but Cousin Eddie found it necessary to respond with *You Serious Clark?*
outlandish claims unbelievable ideas Christmas vacation Christmas vacation
Kayte- I now own Jupiter!
Moira- You serious Clark?
Kayte- Dead serious!

Tom- Will you marry me?
Kayte- You serious Clark?
Tom- Is that a yes?




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