A JakeOwen is a small chubby creature found in the dumpland that is Tamworth.
JakeOwens primarily eat sausages
And nothing else.
They primarily wear dressing gowns and shoes from Clark's but their primary piece of fashion is their big black glasses as they cant see shite.
JakeOwens originate from skets and fathers
That leave them at birth.
JakeOwens have a few kinks including but not limited to
Getting choked out
Having sexual relationships with their bed
Getting carried in casual lobbies
And many many more.
JakeOwens are funny but lack common sense and are commonly thaught to have autism as their game sense general actions and...stupidness make people believe they're not quite right.
If you see a JakeOwen
JakeOwens primarily eat sausages
And nothing else.
They primarily wear dressing gowns and shoes from Clark's but their primary piece of fashion is their big black glasses as they cant see shite.
JakeOwens originate from skets and fathers
That leave them at birth.
JakeOwens have a few kinks including but not limited to
Getting choked out
Having sexual relationships with their bed
Getting carried in casual lobbies
And many many more.
JakeOwens are funny but lack common sense and are commonly thaught to have autism as their game sense general actions and...stupidness make people believe they're not quite right.
If you see a JakeOwen
Hey did you see that JakeOwen
Yea he was quite silly
Damn I gotta get me one of those.
Yea he was quite silly
Damn I gotta get me one of those.