Jakers is used in Ireland as a euphemism for Jesus, to avoid taking his name in vain. See also: Janey Mac and James's Street (both euphemisms for Jesus Christ).
Jakers, did she really!?
An alias for a kid named Jake in Cisco....He is called this name everytime he walks into the class. It is said in an annoying infantile manner.
Heyyyy ! Jakers is here (in an annoying voice) - Steve
A person who is loud dumb and annoying. he also think mouths are funny but arent. HE ASLO TALKS LIKE THIS
yeah dude he is such a jaker
slang for jackass or dumbass
Everybody look at that jaker!
douche bag or a person that enjoys sexual attention from other men
That guy received a sac tap and liked it, what a jakers.
Some guy was a total jakers and cut me off today!!
Some guy was a total jakers and cut me off today!!
means "just kidding". originates from the acronym "jk" (jaykay).
"yo mommas so fat she needs her own zip code. jakers!"
someone who is loud dumb and name is jake. he also finds mouths funny. AND TALKS LIKE THIS
man he is a jaker