

俚语 jamila's


A beautiful person who is usually kind and amazing
Oh man that jamila she's so gorgeous and wonderful


a beauty girl that always puts her family and friends before herself.
she’s kind, truthful and honest to the people that she loves.
she always smiles but the most times she’s not happy inside and always need her besties to be by her side and to make her smile and to make her feel wanted and not useful.
if you know someone called Jamila just be with her, make her feel good and she will treat you better than you do!
jamila is such a great person!!

jamila is so kind 😍


Jamila is a name describing the best personas on earth.

They usually are the most aesthetically people, have the greatest sense of style and fashion and just know beauty. Because they are. They are beautiful, have a unique way of expression, a unique way of talking, their choice of words, and their voice is the most amazing you'll ever hear. Like, for real. If you've ever had the chance to talk to a Jamila, you'd better use it. It's the best.

If you've ever had the chance to keep a Jamila in your life...I hope for you, my dear, that you kept them.
"What's her name?" - Jamila
"Crazy! I've heard Jamila's are the best people on earth!"

Jamila Madison

An American-French pseudo celebrity from Detroit’s Southside. Nice body with a pretty rack, aka One Classy Asshole
I tried to ask out Jamila Madison but I got denied




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更新时间:2024/9/21 2:41:46