

俚语 jam sex

Jam Sex

Really fast sex. Usually done in 10 minutes or less.
*in restaurant~"Hey babe, while waiting for our food to come wanna go to the bathrooms and have some Jam Sex?"

jam sex

Sex with a girl while she's on her period.
Her: I'm on my period but really horny, want to have jam sex?
Cool partner: Sure.

Her: I'm on my period but really horny, want to have jam sex?
Uncool partner: Ew, gross.

Space Jam Sex

Having sex while watching Space Jam

Ultimate win.
"space jam's on"
"Space jam sex?!"

sex jam

a song that a guy and girl will get turned on by and will cause them to soon engage in sexual actions like the abe lincoln
mmm mmm Barry White has a ton of sex jams!




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