N- A special swear word in the land of my people the banana brigade. It translates to the f word mixed with the n word.
V- A type of masturbation involving a cheese grater. Mostly popular in NMGDnfjkbsfjgrnlk town which is a town on the planet xbox live rage
A- A term to describe someone that you hate them and you want them ded lol. From my home tribe the banana brigade
V- A type of masturbation involving a cheese grater. Mostly popular in NMGDnfjkbsfjgrnlk town which is a town on the planet xbox live rage
A- A term to describe someone that you hate them and you want them ded lol. From my home tribe the banana brigade
"Japeas! I stubbed my toe! JAPEAS JAPEAS JAPEAS! (obvious pain and swearing)
N- A swear word made in my home planet. Its both the f word and the n words
V- A type of masturbation involving a cheese grater. The people on my rival planet are weird....
A- Basically fat and useless and a disgrace
V- A type of masturbation involving a cheese grater. The people on my rival planet are weird....
A- Basically fat and useless and a disgrace
"Billy! You are a japeas to our family! Now get out!"