

俚语 japped


Japped: VERB - Past tense. To be completely and totally surprised by an event. An event that takes you off guard. An event that you would normally expect to know about in advance. Generally the event has some negative impact. Although it has been reported as such; race has no bearing. In fact you can be "japped" by anyone or anything.
Duck Hunter #1: (referring to the ducks that just flew over his head from behind) "Woah! Those Teal japped the hell out of us!"
Duck Hunter #2: "No shit! I didn't see or hear them until they were 40 yards out over the decoys!"

SpongeBob: "Squidward really japped us by inviting us on this cruise with him, huh Patrick?"
Patrick: "duhhhhhhh, what?"


To get fucked up by someone or something.

From the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
Dude, you got japped.


1. to get screwed by someone or something, to totally get the wrong side of the deal.

2. when a japanese person does something to you or to gain an advantage.
I got totally and utterly japped on that deal.

Mr. Woo totally japped his way to the top spot in the company.


to be extremely high on speed.
Dude was all japped out last night!


getting your entire existence roasted by a japanese person
"i ate your dog"
"Bro, you just got japped!"


pushing buttons on a video game (usually while in the menus) too fast and you push the wrong one you go to the wrong part of the game
I japped myself and lost all my saved games.

Jap, Japs

Word used by Americans during WW2 as an abbreviation of Japanese. Often used as a way of insult to refer to the Japanese.
You F**king Japs!!




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