

俚语 jason guo

Jason Guo

A small chubby boy, who cannot talk to any girls. He does not do well in class and uses his riches to try attract woman but still fails to achieve. A chinese boy who fails to make his parents proud.
Oh no its Jason Guo, not again

Jason Guo

Jason Guo is the embodiment of can't pull bitches if his life was on the line, he believes that flaunting his wealth will help him finally get laid , however he is probably cursed by god to be virgin for the rest of his life. A fat asian male that simps hard for girls to no avail.
person 1: dude i can't seem to get any bitches at all
person 2: God damn u really pulling a Jason Guo.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:04:19