

俚语 jaunt piece

jaunt piece

Used in reference to a guy's genitalia.
Hey, man! Get your jaunt piece out of my face!

jaunt piece [pl. jaunt pieces]

thing or things, and/or object or objects
Pass that jaunt piece over here.
Get that jaunt piece for me.

Bitty Jaunt Piece

a woman of average to above-average phenotype and appearance (bitty) with whom one has or intends to have an established relationship of an exclusive nature
So, (insert name of friend living in New Mexico), how long have you known that fine bitty jaunt piece of yours?

sice that jaunt piece

1. to command a bitch to suck your dick
2. please hand that to me!
1. hey bitch, get over here and sice that jaunt piece!
2. excuse me mom, could you sice that jaunt piece over to me?




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