

俚语 jaysha


A beautiful girl
Person 1: just seen a beautiful girl
Person 2: must be a jaysha


a girl who is super dramatic
jaysha is very dramatic


Jaysha is a wonderful person and very attractive not to mention jaysha can be very depressing and staying up late at night even though they are wonderful and deserve everything :)
Jaysha is everything

Jaysha is so cool


Originated from Sanskirt as (A Beautiful girl or A beautiful Gift from God). They're very affectionate with their loved ones and comfortable with the people they trust. Humorous in their own way and blunt in another. Although they don't like to be alone, they rather be alone. Overthinking will always be a way for Jaysha to feel some sort of security, knowing all possible outcomes in situations. They're demeanor has a overwhelming amount of energy one may think twice before approaching. Although they may seem happy all the time and makes you want to be friends. Well, Making friends with a Jaysha, it's like making friends with a loaded shot gun, waiting to go off on anyone who tries to harm someone they love.
1: I seen a jaysha.
2: That is a jaysha.




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更新时间:2024/9/19 23:57:23