To be a teenage girl, college student or attempting-to-be-trendy high school teacher who spends most of their weekends and weeknights at Aritzia, trying on clothes, getting the employees to hold their items for a day, and desperately bringing back money the next day. To be an Aritzian you have to at least spend 5 hours and $300 at Artizia per month, and also you must have to take a mirror selfie and use the geotag of the store you are at, while posting the picture to Instagram.
Alexis - "Have you seen how much Molly has bought at Aritzia in the past month, guys?"
Emily - "How could I not have?! She has been so annoying about it."
Phoebe - "Whenever I see something I like, she says she 'already has it' and disapproves of it immediately!"
Amelia - "Sounds like she is a TRUE Aritzian. Should we still be friends with her?"
Emily - "How could I not have?! She has been so annoying about it."
Phoebe - "Whenever I see something I like, she says she 'already has it' and disapproves of it immediately!"
Amelia - "Sounds like she is a TRUE Aritzian. Should we still be friends with her?"