

俚语 jelly dick

Jelly Dick

A dick that remains flaccid.

Similar to Whiskey Dick and Coke Dick
A Jelly Dick doesn't get anything done.

Quit Jelly Dick-ing around.

Jelly Dick

The act of not bathing in a week and smearing duck butter on your dick, then sticking it in a woman’s vagina while on her period and then having her suck it off.
Dude, I took Jamie on a date last night and gave her the jelly dick she seemed to enjoy it.

Jelly Dicking

When you are just fucking around on a normal sortie.
That dumb ass was just jelly dicking around!

Jelly Dicking

When you have sex with a girl with a limp dick
that fat chick was so ugly i was jelly dicking her
i was so drunk that i was jelly dicking that bitch

Napalm Jelly-Dick

When a man dips his penis into unlit napalm and proceeds to stick it into a woman's vagina or rectum, or a man's rectum, pulls out his penis, and then lights the given orifice on fire, effectively incinerating the receiving party from the inside out.
Next time I see my ex I swear to God I'll get the boys and we'll napalm jelly-dick that bitch!

Dick Jelly

Petroleum jelly used for masturbation.
My roommate: This vaseline is starting to smell like my dick.

Me: Dude that's sick, I think it's time for you to buy some new dick jelly.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:02:06