

俚语 jersey barrier

Jersey Barrier

Named after the only place on earth where multiple ten foot long, two ton pieces of concrete need to stop people from driving into oncoming traffic.
Thank God there are Jersey Barriers in New Jersey, otherwise head-on collisions would be a staple of driving in that state.

Jersey Barrier

Encountering fecal matter during anal sex typically resulting in discontinuing the act.
(a) There's been a terrible accident!
(b) Oh shit! What happened?
(a) Exactly! Tom ran into a Jersey Barrier. He was fuckin' Katie in the ass and she frosted his dick!

Jersey Shore Barrier

The act of physically placing the entire cast of Jersey Shore in a triangular formation, just like bowling pins, at the entrance or exit ramp to any major freeway to buffer the damages from any potential accident. (It is recommended to have plenty of taffy and hair cair products to keep their interest while they are in said formation)
Hey Tommy I just set up another Jersey Shore barrier by the Lincoln Tunnel.Those kids are dumb as tree trunks. God willing someone's been drinking way too much to drive and swerves left and puts us all out of our misery. Plus, I threw a couple spike stips out there to kind of help our odds.!




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