1.)portmanteau combining the words "Jesus" and "justified"
I have been crucified with Christ and yet I live; yet it is not me, but Christ in me. I have been justified by the blood of Jesus Christ and am therefore Jesufied!
Having qualities and properties of Jesus
such as unconditional love, understanding, willing to forgive and forget and sacrifice your self for everyone,
such as unconditional love, understanding, willing to forgive and forget and sacrifice your self for everyone,
probably not you cause you might not be Christian, well really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really Christian Mr.T. says "I pity the foo that ain't Jesufied
Two times. Jesus fed the masses with loaves of bread and fishes on two occasions. The first was five loaves of bread and two fishes to five thousand men. The second was seven loaves and small fishes to four thousand men. So when you use my word, I mean that with a little bit of food you feed the many in your home.
May this meal be jesufied!
May this money be jesufied!
May this money be jesufied!