

俚语 arlies


Amazing girl , very flirty usually tall. Makes you her world. Cute and smart, experienced. Shes very loving. Sarcastic and funny she will make your day ninty percent of the time. Sweet and nice but.. Get on her bad side she'll make your life a living hell.
An Arly can do wierd things with her fingers and hands!
She might be confusing and sending wrong signals sometimes. But when she likes someone she'll fall hard.
Everybody should know an arly!
Youre flirting like an Arly!


An amazingly beautiful girl who forgets how to walk downstairs or trips on air
Hahaha you tripped on air your such an arly


Arly is the best person in the world, she is always a bad ass and can kick ass when people are mean to her ,and she can talk shit, also she is very sassy . When she likes someone she is always confident to talk to him and she is very hot.
Be more like arly not more like audri .
OMG i love arly so much.


The most amazing person to have in your life.Very beautiful and usually tall.She can be very nice and loving to the one's who are close to her, there's many sides to her since she keeps herself hidden.She can be fun to be around but don't get on her bad side.She can get distracted easily and forget things.When she likes someone she falls hard for them and tries to do anything to get to see them.When you get to know an Arly make sure you keep her on your side or you'll regret it.
Arly is the best person to have as a friend.


A badass girl that could kill you. Usually cute but still badass
That is definitely an Arly


An amazingly beautiful girl who fogets how to walk downstairs or trip on air
Haha you tripped on air now your arly


Perfection. The hottest of the hot, Arlies are so gorgeous that you may just get hard saying the name. We have yet to find any flaws, could be considered the name of most amazing and wonderful person you will ever meet. usually have nice butts too
Girl: Hey jacob, dude that chic has got to be an Arlie
Guy: Oh shit
Girl: Dude what the hell is wrong with your pants...oh sorry




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:43:19