

俚语 jetlage


A severe case of lage, often associated with long flights.
Oh man, I just got in from LAX, let's chill later, I've got jetlage.


Someone who looks like shit.
“So here we are. You look jetlagged. And by that I mean you look like shit.”


When you travel to a different country and the difference between them (in hours) is too big, you might suffer of jetlag. Sometimes it has.. a headache, dizzy feeling or any other health problem.
jon: were you sleeping?
andrew: ooohh.. mate im toooo tired.. my jetlag is killing me.


That buzzed feeling the day after getting really stoned.
I tried to focus on the presentation but was still pretty jetlagged and couldn't keep straight.


when a male has an erect penis for a long time and starts to lag after a while because it has been erect for so long
Lenny: hey babe how much longer are we going to go at this for?
Sue: Im not sure lenny but your looking a little jetlaged!


v. - To lag behind, slack off, or do something poorly.
You're walking with some friends and one person is several feet behind the rest. One says, "Hurry up, Jose! Quit your jetlagging!"


Starting the week at work early after sleeping long during the weekend.
This jetlag just hits me every Monday morning




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