

俚语 jevaning


1. The act of being obliviously over-affectionate with your boyfriend/girlfriend in public, thus making all innocent bystanders/friends feel incredibly awkward.

2. Sucking face in public (or in general).
"Hey Bob, do you see that couple Jevaning over there in the corner?"
"Yeah man, it makes me want to stab my eyes out with a rusty spork."


Son of Bevans, and a computer genuis XD
Jevans: no no no .. its the left one
Enlow: but i thought-
Jevans: *slaps* wrong, im the computer genuis


Someone who likes to pick on someone to make them self's look bigger.
Just because he knows them, we can't
If he knows someone, you can't
Thinks he knows everyone
Takes Stuff Too far
Measures his dick with his best friend. Yet calls other people ' gay '
Jevans: How do u know that guy?
Someone: I met him.
Jevans: No i know him, he would think your a guy cunt

Someone: Dude... stop being a Jevans


The beat guy you could’ve ever meet. Funny handsome, talented not to mention he gets all the tingss practically rules narnia
ONE OF THE BIGGEST DICKS. If you have Jevan your in luck because he is one of the realest friends ever
Wait?! What... you know Jevan....AMAZING!!


jevan is the type of person you can depend on. she’s loyal, caring, supportive and humble. She or he is the type of person who will go out of her/his way to do smt for you if you ask her/him to.
you’re lucky to have a jevan in your life.


A really outgoing individual, Often short, very intelligent when it comes to technology, his head is often huge compared to the size of his body.
Wow! Jevan is a really smart guy!


Jevan is an immaculate person. He is ambitious, intelligent, and confident. Once he sets a goal for himself, he never gives up. He puts all of his effort into achieving whatever he set out to accomplish. Whether it's getting girls, smoking, or even playing basketball. Jevan can do it. He is also attracted to girls whose name begins with "L"
Jevan is beautiful!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:17:12