The sweet, hot, orifice of a Texan armadillo.
Texan 1: Hey, what's wrong pardner?
Texan 2: Brittnie broke up with me last month, and I feel as though I've yee'd my last haw.
Texan 1: Well, it sounds like you need to take yur F-250 down a backround, run over an armadilly or two, and score ya some armadussy.
Texan 2: Why that sounds like a blessed idea pardner! Thank ya!
Texan 2: Brittnie broke up with me last month, and I feel as though I've yee'd my last haw.
Texan 1: Well, it sounds like you need to take yur F-250 down a backround, run over an armadilly or two, and score ya some armadussy.
Texan 2: Why that sounds like a blessed idea pardner! Thank ya!