jew egg
An egg laid by jewish women to produce offspring. These eggs are rather large and will hatch quickly, so should promptly be smashed. Only video known video evidence recorded durring a "Running of the Jew" in Kazakhstan.
Is she? She is! She laid a Jew Egg! Quick, smash that chick before it hatches!
Jew Egg
Fried or poached egg on a toasted onion bagel.
I'd rather have a Jew egg than an Egg McMuffin!
Jew egg hunt
Something German kids would do on Easter of the early 40's.
They didn't cancel the Jew egg hunts this year.
Egg jew
Egg of Jewish origin, commonly found in Eastern Europe to describe eggs laid out of the Jewish rump aka the rectum.
Look Tommy their is is an egg jew laid out on the floor from the local Rabbi for Friday night supper.