

俚语 jewinator


The ultimate jew.
Yo Tom, this jew looks like a damn jewinator!

jewin it

means doin it but in a jewish way
dude ure jewin it, thats so rad


The art of beating a system in the most jewish way for your own personal benefit or to screw others.
"Man I went to take a shit today and there was no toilet paper."
"Man you should have asked me I got a stockpile of that white gold in my room."
"Damn nigger you're jewin that white gold hardcore to the max."

jewin out

When somebody decides not to buy something because it is too expensive.
Yo bro my mom is jewin out on buying me a cell phone charger because its 30 bucks

whats jewin

a morning salutation to a close friend thats jewish when you are not.
When Vic picked up the phone when Schlomo called him he said hey man Whats Jewin.

jewin me

the act of asking for money and not giving money in return, being a greedy bitch.
fuck y cant u let me have two dollars candice, ur fucking jewin me

jewin it up

When thou negotiate a price with a salesman
I bought this dreydle for 2.50$ when it was originally 9.60
man your really jewin it up




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