

俚语 jewish shower

Jewish Shower

When you are taking a shower with someone and they pass gas turning your hot steamy shower into a gas chamber!

Being tricked into entering a shower and it ends up being a gas chamber.
Angie why did you run out of the bathroom?

I was taking a shower with Bill, and he gave me a Jewish shower!

Jewish Shower

A Jewish Shower can be defined as a person only cleaning their face and their crotch with wet wipes or the like.
"Hey you're not that dirty, go and take a Jewish Shower"
"Alright, I'll be quick"

Jewish shower

A shower you take only once
Schlomo; 'Dude i went to the campsite and tried to take a shower but there was no water.'
David: 'Damn sounds like a jewish shower.'

Here comes SS Kamph tail, walking down the jewish shower trail.

A horrifying racist message that can be heard very clearly by playing old records with the classic easter song "peter cottontail" backwards. Jesus, think of the children!
Lord save us from these demonic beasts.......

Jewish Shower

A jewish shower is a sex position in which two people allign in a reverse 69 position, and proceed to fart for as long as possible while in this position.

Note: It may be helpful to eat taco bell before attempting a Jewish Shower
Hey bill, what did you and susie get up to last night?

Well, I heard her mom was Jewish so I gave her a Jewish shower...




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