Something that is humongous that pertains to a Jewish person.
A batmitzvah is a very Jewmongous time in a girl's life
1. A person who sells people of the Jewish faith.
2. Wow, look at that JewMonger stand on the corner!
a person who has a name that people may mock of because it sounds close to jew
look at jroooooooo111. what a roblox jewmonger
Main Entry: jew·moung·ous
Function: adjective
Etymology: Greek jewantikos, from jewgant-, jewgas giant, jewish
: exceeding the usual or expected (as in size, force, or prominence) <a man of jewmoungous stature> <made a last jewmongous effort> <jewmongous industrial combines> <jewmongous chode>
Function: adjective
Etymology: Greek jewantikos, from jewgant-, jewgas giant, jewish
: exceeding the usual or expected (as in size, force, or prominence) <a man of jewmoungous stature> <made a last jewmongous effort> <jewmongous industrial combines> <jewmongous chode>
That house is jewmongous!
A word used to describe a large nose. It comes from the word “Jew” as Jewish people are usually depicted to have larger noses.
Damn bro, that nose is jewmongous!
An adjective used when describing a huge Jewish Person
I was at the Synagogue and could not see the Rabbi due to a Jewmongous dude in front of me.