

俚语 jext


A word used to describe a person with wisdom; better described as a noob on a power-trip. Nowadays this word is used daily, all over the globe. People are saying it, shouting it, whispering it. It's off the charts. Often when someone is called a jext, it means that person uses their wisdom to fool other people. Do not ever trust a person when they refer you to a jext.
Example #1:
"Whoever created this must be utterly jextious!"

Example #2:
"The jextition is rising."

Example #3:
"Dude, you're so dumb, L2Jext."


When a man sends you a text message while jerking off and letting it be know to the recipient.
Hey man, wanna go to the gym later? Im jerking it right now, You just got jexted.


Messaging someone while masturbating; jacking off. If you ever do this, you are actually weird.
"Ohh, dude im jexting rn."
"Dude, what the fuck."


When a person deals with multiple conversations with the same person at the same time, usually when texting.

Derived from the verb "to jext"
An example of Jexting:
Here the sender jexts John at the movie theatre:

To: John "Okay, popcorn. Got it."
From: John "Yeah this movie's great, isn't it?"
To: John "It's awesome."
From: John "And a drink."


The act of crossing identical texts. Jinx via text message.
Bob: That game was amazing!
Dave: Over time!! Bob: Over time!!
Dave: Jext!
Bob: Lol! You sly dogger!

(Bob and Dave go way back, and have a very jovial friendship.)




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更新时间:2024/9/21 8:36:50