

俚语 arm barn

arm barn

shoving one's fist up one's ass. Similar to fisting only a funnier word.
hey sailor... wanna go home and arm barn me?

arm barn

fisting; a bullpen
"hey did you know those dog killers peta want to change the bullpen's name to arm barn lmao"

"wait you mean fisting"

Arm Barn

shoving ur arm up ur ass
arm barning myself

Arm Barn

A arm barn is the southern term for a circle jerk. Where a group of good ole boys get together to jerk each other off in a circle. An arm barn tends to be more rough than a circle jerk on account of all participants having blue collar jobs, thus leading to hands that know a hard day's work.
After working a hard day down at the mill, Brady was looking forward to getting together with the boys for a good old arm barn later.

Arm Barn

The new name for bull pin in baseball
“Look he’s warming up in the arm barn”




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:32:11