

俚语 jhacee


A term typically defining someones personality as a fun loving sociopath. Origins: New Jersey.
Jeremy was good at parties but kept to himself and talked to himself , his freinds classified him as jhace.


A beautiful girl who can lighten up a room.
She has a great sense of humor but can often be confusing because her thought process is like no other.
Friend one: You see that girl over there?
Friend two: Ya she’s definitely a Jhace.


Jhace is the best looking and the smartest around he has a small friend group and he smokes weed. Jhace is also god like in many ways
I just pulled a Jhace


Jhace is the best looking and the smartest around he has a small friend group and he smokes weed. Jhace is also god like in many ways
I just pulled a Jhace


Jhacee is a very beautiful girl, a very loving old soul. She loves food. Jhacee is the bestest friend you could ever have. She is very good at keeping secrets and giving advice but she also has a comfy shoulder to lean on. She is also extremely stubborn and sometimes has issues managing her anger.
I love having Jhacee in my life; I don’t know what I would do without her. There’s no chance of winning an argument with Jhacee. Jhacee is always eating chicken and seafood.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 3:13:04