The best person alive. Really Really REally REally ReALLY reALLY reALLY ATHLETIC and tall and fast. Mentally slow.Hates kia Souls and Hondas. Drives a GTR not in his dreams in real life. Is the best Football player and soccer player. He is very good at any sport. He will kick your ass in any sport even cricket. Drives motorcycles. Is about 6 feet tall. Has been through jumanji and is best friends with Christian,Abel,PJ and his nigga Tray homie quan. He best best best friend is chiquito. He is a blood and hates blue. hE HAS A FAMILY AND IS VERY VERY SUPPORTIVE. hE IS A DAD OF FOUR CHILDREN. HIS FAVORITE QUOTE IS "WASSSSSUUPPPPPPPPPPPP GIRRLLLLLLLLLLL."