jiafei remix
A spin-off of a cupcakKe remix, but instead of using horny cupcakKe songs, they use one song by the sexy products queen, Jiafei
P1: jiafei remixes are just a ripoff of cupcakKe remixes
p2: lol who cares, wanna listen to this jiafei remix I made?
p2: lol who cares, wanna listen to this jiafei remix I made?
jiafei remix
some good ass remix music thats for sure
jiafei remixes are something great to listen to
Jiafei Remix
If you've been on TikTok for the past year, you may have heard of Jiafei or Jiafei Remixes. A Jiafei Remix is when you take a song, audio, or video and replace the lyrics/words with the "Jiafei Song." The Jiafei Song is called "Wild Flower Scent" in English (I believe). Some Remixers may include Jiafei Screams, Cupcakke Lyrics or Moans, or original audio. Many popular remixers are Ranvision (ranvision_official/ranvision_flopped), Jisoo (imjisoofr), and Gus (guslopexs) just to name a few.
Friend: "Did you hear this hilarious Jiafei Remix of Running Up that Hill by guslopexs?"
Jiafei: "I believe I have been summoned!"
Jiafei: "I believe I have been summoned!"