

俚语 jibbly


A sensation occurring when something seriously creeps you out. In many cases it will cause you to twitch and say "jibblies" involuntarily.
Strong Bad: You may notice I didn't do anything to the Poopsmith. I figure the guy shovels crap for a living so his tolerance for pain's gotta be through the roof. I was thinking about giving him a bath or something but, just the thought of that gave me the jibblies.


n. uncomfortable feeling of dread or horror. esp. uncomfortable mental image.

Syn: willies, heebie jeebies, weirded out, creeped out

Ant: stoked, psyched

Ent: coined by the character StrongBad on www.homestarrunner.com
The thought of another minute sitting next to dat skank gave me da jibblies


Private parts, junk
Jane likes to let her jibblies flop in the wind.


male genitals; testicles
I just totally kicked him in the jibblies.


A sudden feeling of horror or dread. (synonyms: creeps, goose bumps)
Thinking of a hairy man in a thong bikini gives me the jibblies.


like the heebie-jeebies
"Thinking about Homestar are Marzipan give me the jibblies"


N-a feeling of fear, surprise, or shock, in which the victim shivers and shakes for part of a second.
Watching "The Ring" gave me the jibblies.




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