

俚语 jibit

Jib it

To get on transport without paying
Person 1:"we'll go get the tram into town"
Person 2: "how much is it?"
Person 1: "nah we'll just jib it "

Jib it

Meaning 'can't be bothered', to stop doing something, or nevermind. Often used by Scousers.
person 1: Coming for a walk?
person 2: Jib it, it's raining.

person 1: I'm so tired of running now
person 2: Same, jib it, i'm knackered.

person 1: Eurgh I don't want to go her party
person 2: Ah jib it lets go it wont be that bad.

Jib Jib

To do something stupid or an insult to your friends without them knowing
James: "That guy just Jib Jib'd really hard"

Stephanie: "OMG you are such a Jib Jib!!"

jib jib

Non-sensible language or words. non-sense.

Jessica is drunk and speaking jib jib again.

Examples: "Jabba" " Chewgetyshoog" "lib lib"


Jib is a derogatory term used to describe a bitchy fat jew gimp
example: “that fat jew xavier is a jib”


A Canadian slang word for methamphetamine which became highly popular in Southern Ontario.
Person 1 "Yo, you want some jib?"

Person 2 "Sorry, I don't do that stuff."


Jib or Jibing is when you sneak into a music festival, usually by dressing up as a bin man or fence jumping
yo bro you wanna go jib lollapalooza




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:53:01