

俚语 jibroni


A native Pakistani gang formed in 1947 against the Faisalabadi Thirsty Gang.

Jibroni's initiated the Jibroni movement in 2012 to counter effect the increasing activities of their rivals in Islamabad
Woman: Stop staring at me, you thirsty prick.
Man: I can't help it..
Woman: This would be the last thing the jibroni's will do.


A member of the John Paxson era Chicago Bulls.
Examples of a Jibroni :

Kirk Hinrich- Joined Bulls in 2003.
Andres Nocioni- Joined Bulls in 2004.
Luol Deng- Joined Bulls in 2004
Ben Gordon- Joined Bulls in 2004
Scott Skiles- Joined Bulls in 2003.
John Paxson- Joined Bulls in 2003.
Ben Wallace- Joined Bulls in 2006.
Thabo Sefolosha- Joined Bulls in 2006.
Tyrus Thomas- Joined Bulls in 2006.
Chris Duhon- Joined Bulls in 2004.


Word popularized by "The Rock" (Wrestler and Actor).
Meaning 1. Loser 2. Pretty much any other derogatory name you can likely think of.

Also used as: Jibronies
"If you mess with me, I will kick your Jibronie @ss"


it's what you would call a person who is a corn dog , or idiot . The type of person that tags along following the main popular guy , always supporting the main popular girl/ guy regardless of whatever stupid thing they may do.
Tupacs sidekick in poetic justice.


someone who takes more than twice to parallel park
Julie is a jibronie.


A blind, homosexual guinea pig with lightning fast movements. It has razor sharp teeth and can eat through solid rock. It prefers to eat Orientals but because of its strange diet, it constantly fills itself up and is starving again in an hour. Sometimes it prefers the babies of meth addicts, but thats only as a special treat.
A jibronie just ate my baby!!!


a joint, or marijuana cigarette
i'm gunna roll a few jibronies and then we can go.




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