

俚语 jidiot


A fan of the rapper J.I.D
“Hey, did you see that JID concert?”
“Yeah man! I’m a total JIDiot”


When one is simply being a jew and an idiot at the same time
jim: I dont play games on steam hehe.
Leafy: You're a total jidiot bro.
jim: Fuck You Nigger!


Adjective- When an individual is behaving like a jerk and an idiot simultaneously.
Man 1: Dude that guy just stole my brownie, ate it and spit it out on the floor!

Man2: That guy is a total jidiot man.


a combination of a jurk and an idiot used to insult
brie:mom ur a fucking jidiot

mom:wtf that


An adjective meaning stupid, brainless, and unintelligent. Usually refers to something a person does. A "duh" moment.
A guy walks toward a door, reaches for the handle while leaning forward to push open the door, but completely misses the handle and bangs his head on the door.
Another guy: "Wow. That was pretty frickin jidiot, dude."


Someone who is a jerk and an idiot at the same time: someone who is a pathetic asshole.
Girl, your man dumped you for that lazy hoe because he was a complete jidiot.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:12:59