Group of three Apex Legends players that go by the names of Delta or ImWalkinHea, M249gobrrrrrrr or sxntax0627, and Ukraine > Russia or otherwise known as Sami. They are known for their arguments, play-bullying a kid that goes by alexandru2009 or otherwise known by Alex. Delta is a college student in an disclosed school. Sxntax0627 is a 14 year old high school kid he’s known in the group as the person that is always never listening to anything that the others have to say. Sami is a 17 year old kid that was born in Toronto, Canada and was moved to America at the age on 10. He is a high school and college student in the business department. Sami is known for making the not so smartest plays in the group and likes to play as a solo player leading to messing up his team. Sami is one of the people that get joked about a lot in the group and is totally fine with it. The three of them together have become the group that is known in the CKS tournament community today.
Example: “Ohh look 360 TapStrafe is back again let’s see if they can win again.”
360TapStrafe is seen as the group that plays Apex Legends
360TapStrafe is seen as the group that plays Apex Legends