

俚语 jim beam

jim beam

Genuine Kentucky bourbon.
Do you want a Tom Collins? No, I'll have a Beam and Coke, thanks.

jim beam

An evil Kentucky concoction that ought to come with bail money attached to the bottle.
"I got loaded on Jim Beam and ended up in the Harlin County Jail for the weekend."

jim beam

an alcoholic beverage
i had some jim beam and coke last night

jim beam

A cute little bottle of genuine kentucky bourbon that is occasionally on sale for 8.99 a bottle.
Friend1: I got a 5th of Jim Beam, lets get wasted and fuck each other up the butt!
Friend2: Uh...

jim beam

Nasty alcoholic beverage that makes you want to rinse your mouth out with horse piss. It is Jack Daniels Evil Twin Brother.
Guy 1: Dude i got sooo drunk off Jack Daniels last night!

Guy 2: Nah dude, that was Jim Beam!

Guy 1: Noooo! *Head Explodes*

jim beam

The poor man's Jack Daniel's
"Hey man, you going to pick up some Jack for the party tonight?"
"Nah, I'm running a bit low on cash. I'll get some Jim Beam instead"
"Poor bastard"

jim beam

horrible shit in a bottle
fuck jim beam, that shit is weak water




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